1. Life time ANR

 Sales * (Tenor + 1) / 2

2. Life time interest

 Sales * (Tenor + 1) / 2 * APR /12

3. How to measure when Teaser APR has been applied

 A. Total ANR : Sales * (Tenor + 1) / 2

 B. Normal APR accrual ANR : {Sales - (Sales / Tenor) * Teaser Tenor) }* (Tenor - Teaser Tenor + 1) / 2

 C. Teaser ANR : Total ANR - Normal APR accrual ANR

 D. Normal APR Interest : Normal APR accrual ANR * Normal APR / 12

 E. Teaser APR Interest : Teaser APR accrual ANR * Teaser APR / 12

 F. Total interest : Normal APR Interest + Teaser APR Interest


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